Fun with Animated Shorts on Snapchat and Instagram

animated shorts jeremiah craig
October 31, 2017 Jeremiah Craig 0 Comments

So over the past week, my strange fascination in making animated shorts for Snapchat and Instagram reached a definite point of craziness. I’m having a lot of fun with these and I released a bunch little shorts from Lost Keys in Lounge Strange, the album I did with my buddy, Jake Boucher.

Lost Keys in Lounge Strange makes for great Halloween material so I thought it would be fun to make small videos to celebrate this spooky time of year. They’ve been a lot of fun and I’m going to be making more of these (some related to holidays and some not).

This little idea started as a way to use material I write on a regular basis that doesn’t go anywhere. For me, songwriting is a numbers game. I write a lot, only enjoy a little of it, and even less of that I release out into the world. Which is exactly why I wanted a way to share all of the one liners and short verses I write that never become full, complete songs.

I began by taking some of these one liners and short verses and recording them to release with short animated videos on Snapchat and Instagram.

Then after releasing On a Weekend at a House by the Road, I thought it would be cool to promote some of the songs by doing the same thing with some of my favorite lines from that album.

So now you can see why I wanted to do this with the Lost Keys and Lounge Strange songs Jake and I recorded a couple of years ago for this years’ Halloween. They’re fun and I find it interesting how a story can be told in under ten seconds with the help from a visual perspective.

If you don’t follow me on either Instagram or Snapchat, please do! I’m going to be releasing many more of these into my Story sections on Instagram and Snapchat. Come see…